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Multinational working group proposes changes to IBF articles

International Bowling Federation (IBF)

A set of amendments to the Articles of the International Bowling Federation (IBF) have been proposed by an international working group with representation from seven countries. In order for IBF to operate with financial transparency and fair representation, the proposed changes are meant to strengthen IBF's governance procedures.

Canada, Costa Rica, England, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and the United States were represented in the working group. The working group was supported administratively by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC), and it was facilitated by lawyer Scott Beightol of the firm Michael Best & Friedrich LLP. Beightol is a well-known authority on good governance practices and has a wealth of experience in doing business abroad.

Key points of the package of proposed amendments, which can be modified based on comments from the member federations, include:

  • IBF Executive Board members appointed through zones.

  • Increased athlete representation on the IBF Executive Board.

  • IBF Executive Board elects the IBF President.

  • Term limits for IBF Executive Board members and officers.

  • Zone Presidents prohibited from being IBF President or Vice President.

  • IBF Executive Board required to meet regularly and publish meeting minutes.

  • IBF required to publish financial statements.

  • Automatic removal of IBF Executive Board members for failure to attend meetings or publish financial statements.

  • Proxy voting at the General Meeting eliminated. Virtual voting will be allowed.

  • Creation of Standing Committees, including Finance/Audit, Competitions, Athletes and Governance Committees with members appointed by zones.

  • Competition Committee with authority to adopt tournament rules, formats and operating standards.

Francois Lavoie, a Canadian IBF athlete representative who served on the working group alongside Cathy Innes, executive director of the Canadian Tenpin Federation, will hold a number of virtual meetings to present the package of amendments to IBF member federations.

Issues at the IBF started, when IBF's bank accounts in Switzerland as well as the office in Lausanne were closed by at that moment the President of IBF Sheikh Talal, with IBF's bank accounts moved to Kuwait. Sheikh Talal had left his position on May 24th, 2022, after a letter about possible money laundering had been sent by one of the presidents of European Bowling Federation (EBF), but resumed his position, by making an announcement on October 4th, 2022, that he was resuming his duties and accused Martin Faba (IBF 1st VP acting as Interim President) to the conspiracy to create a new rival entity.

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