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New Champions Crowned at Lithuanian Bowling Championships

Lithuanian Bowling Championships 2024
Picture source: © Eitvydas Kinaitis | Lithuanian Bowling Federation

The final stage of the 2024 Lithuanian Bowling Championships took place on May 26th at the "O’Learys" entertainment center in Vilnius Akropolis. The top ten bowlers of the season in four categories – Men’s, Women’s, Seniors, and Men with an average under 190 – competed for the national championship titles.

After the qualifying rounds on 24 games played throughout the season, the top four athletes from each category advanced to the semifinals of the individual overall standings.

In the Men’s final, Laurynas Narušis defended his title for the fifth consecutive time, setting a new national record. The eighteen-year-old triumphed over Aidas Borodinas from Kaunas with a score of 2-0 (215:206, 214:154). Edvinas Skarbalius and Rimvydas Balžekas shared the third place.

Rasa Germanavičienė claimed her first bowling champion title in the Women's category. She defeated Kristina Rulytė 2-0 in the semifinals and overcame 2020 champion Marija Žiogė 2-0 (188:178, 183:156) in the finals, who had previously won against last year's champion Jolanta Kontvainienė 2-1 in the semifinals.

In the Seniors' category, Linas Sasnauskas won the title, defeating Jolanta Kontvainienė in the semifinals 2-1 (182:213; 186:165; 190:142) and Žilvinas Perminas, who had beaten Jūratė Palaimaitė (192:169; 231:182), in the final.

Domantas Čepulis surprised everyone by winning the title in the Men's category with an average under 190. He defeated the qualifying favorite Andrius Pelakauskas 2-0 (216:183; 197:189) in the semifinals and Vaidas Paškevičius 2-0 (210:181; 179:172) in the finals. Vaidas Paškevičius had previously won a hard-fought semifinal 2-1 against Mindaugas Matutis (179:160; 172:173; 194:156).

In the Youth category, Joris Remeika was crowned the Lithuanian bowling champion. Emilijus Grigoraitis took the silver medal, while Kristupas Klevinskas earned the bronze. The Youth champions were determined based on the total number of pins knocked down in 18 qualifying games.

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